Monday, April 23, 2007

Public Oriented: Effective Publication Strategy at the Centre for Archaeology, Banjarmasin


The dissemination of archaeological information is an activity of no less important compare to archaeological research, in view of the fact that freedom to obtain information is a right for every human to be able to expand one's personal and social environment. The gap existed between archaeological research policy and its implementation is seen indirectly on the orientation of archaeological information dissemination, which tends to emphasize on academic objective for the benefit of only intellectual circle.
Accordingly, based on the 2000-2004 policy of the Research Centre for Archaeology, Jakarta, and the adjustments on the paradigm development of archaeological research today, it is necessary to enhance publication effectiveness, whether quantitatively or qualitatively, toward public orientation. This effort is designed for the attainment of practical requirements in managing cultural resources based on public involvement to determine policies, morally or physically, for local cultural and tourism development. The implementation of this concept aims to provide a condition for archaeological outcome to be accessible for the public interested in archaeology.
Published in: Sulistyanto (eds.). 2002. Naditira Widya. Archaeological Bulletin. Banjarbaru: Centre for Archaeology, Banjarmasin. No. 8, April 2002: 128-137. ISSN 1410-0932

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